Friday, December 15, 2006

Your Own Secret Island!

First graders had a blast this week, desiging their own tropical island. They created maps of these private tropical locations and wrote stories to go with them. We hope you enjoy them.

My map looks nice. It has lots of islands. I would find treasure there. I would stay five days. I would bring coconuts back home. I would swim there. I would play on the beach. I would come back on a Thursday. I have three islands on my map. I had a good time there. I came back at night. I had fun. Now it’s time for sleep.

It is daytime on my map. We have a submarine under water to see fish and the island. I would see a sea urchin, sharks, octopus and a sea turtle. If I went to the island, I would find coconuts to drink. The coconut would give me some energy in my body and keep me alive. I would get bananas for breakfast, lunch and supper. I would bring some of my friends. We would go under water in the submarine and find whale bones.

I would go to this island. It has five things to do. First, I would go swimming. Then I would go find the treasure. Then I would go climb the tree and get some coconuts. I would catch some fish with my hands. Then I would go surfing.

If I was stranded on this island I would drink coconut milk. I would make weapons to catch sea creatures for snack. Then I would make more weapons to catch animals. When they are dead, I would make clothes out of their fur for when it got cold. I would use bones from animals to make the weapons.

Hi my name is Jaxon. I want to tell you about my island. My island has treasure. If I went there, I would build a boat. Then I will go to the big island. I will go to find the hidden treasure. I am the first one to find it.

Hi. Do you want to come to my island? Do you want to get in a boat to get there? It is cool there. But, you better watch out for sharks. There is tuna fish there. It is cool.

I saw a volcano. I would play with my brothers and bring some of my friends and I would go to the volcano. I would look in the volcano. It will be hot. I would go on a hike. I would build a boat and go to the other island and walk around the island and see the cave. I am the first person to find the hidden treasure.

If I went to the island I would find treasure. I would find shelter and a volcano. On another island I would go in the woods. Then I sail to the last island and play on the beach. I would swim in the lake and hide in the bushes and get a tan. I’d play spies. I’d ride on my boat. Then I would go home.

Hi friends! If I went to my island I would stay ‘til 2:30 in the night. Would you? I would have a cell phone. I would order pizza and I would color calendars.

The name of this story is called “The Shark and the Big Island and the Little Island”. I would go to the next island. I would build a boat and I would see a shark and a volcano. If the volcano erupts I would run away and go home.

I will go on a hike. I would climb a tree. It will be sunny. Then I will go home to take a nap at my house. I am going to the island on the weekend. It will be a vacation. I will run around in circles. Then I will take a break to get faster. I will swim with my brothers in the water to play. Then we will dry off to get clean and go back in the water.

If I went to my island, I would find treasure. I would sail a boat. I would go to a beach and sit down. I would watch the boats.

When I go to my island, I will look for a hidden treasure.. When I find wood, I will make shelter. I will stay for 10 days, because it is so fun. I really love my island. When I find the treasure, will look for the key. After my expedition, I will go home on the boat that I made with tree bark. I really loved my island and everyone else’s.

If I could go to an island, I would see a volcano. I would take pictures with an underwater camera. I would take pictures of a sea lion and a tropical fish. Maybe I would see a dolphin or salamanders and seaweed and lots more!

If I went to an island, I would find treasure! I would go to the beach! After that, I would try a coconut. I’ve never tried one before. Then, I would go look for starfish. After that, I would make a boat and go out to sea. I would stay for two weeks. I would bring a compass rose and Kayti.